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Reflection 5/6/22

Today I took the AP United States History exam. Honestly I felt like "just another exam". I did the absolute best that I could. I completed both of the essays and answered all of the short answers. I think that I got most of the multiple choice questions right. I hope that I did good.
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Reflection 5/5/22

Today I took the AP Statistics Exam, I studied hard for this. I was kind of nervous about it at first, but I was okay. The exam was a little too easy, I hope that's a good thing. I can;t wait for my results and see that I passed beautiful-y.

Reflection 5/4/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we took the multiple choice part of the mock exam. I spent entirely too long on the first passage. I definitely over analyzed it because I spent half of the time on it and the questions. After that I flew through 2 passages. I thought I did good with answering the questions, but when I checked the 24 or 25 questions I answered I only got 13 right. I think that is good though, I'm not sure.

Reflection 5/3/22

Today in Mr.Rease's Mr.Rease's American Literature class we didn't do anything. Mr.Rease went over a few people's essays that we did yesterday. I had a pretty good day because I found out that since I am a Junior Marshall my last day of school is May, 11th. We will participate in the graduation since we are the top 5% of the Junior class. I forgot to mention that Coach Adams asked me to be one of the football managers which means free games all season, so I earned 2 great seats in the house.

Reflection 5/2/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we did the essay that we were suppose to do Friday. We didn't Friday because he found out that we had just did a mock exam for AP Statistics the class before. I was ready to do the essay. I did a good amount of reading and annotating in a great amount of time. I chose my position and made my claims and got right to it. The synthesis essay was on handwriting lessons during instruction. I said that it isn't needed anymore in today's climate because that's what most of the sources were. I feel handwriting is very important but doesn't need to be taken up during class time. I definitely need to work on that in my free time.

Reflection 4/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we worked more on the sources. I presented my source today with Moses and Alyssa. After we finished going over the sources we read the prompt. The prompt asked us to choose a position on social networking. First we chose a position then began to write our paragraph. I said that it is acceptable because that is what most of the sources gave me information about. I can’t wait for the last day of school.

Reflection 4/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature Class we went over sources. Everyone got different sources and was grouped with a partner to present. The topic is about colleges and employers checking social media as the process. I had source G and it was pretty simple. My source was for employers checking social media and it benefits the process. I think that I have gotten better with using my sources and stating evidence over the last year.