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Showing posts from August, 2021

Reflection 8/30/21

Today I didn’t attend school. I was feeling a little sick, so I stayed home. I took an at home COVID Test and I tested positive. I am sad about that, I thought I was being safe, but I probably wasn’t being safe enough. I am sad that I have to stay home after already doing that for a year. I really hope I can get back into the school environment in 2 weeks without harming anyone.

Reflection 8/27/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we learned how to format an argumentative essay. In your body paragraph you want to have claim 2 evidences and explaining that evidence. When you’re writing down your proof you want to self experience, observations, and readings. All of the proof in your essay is based on yourself. Before writing your essay, you want to make sure that you have options to choose from. With 5 claims and counterclaims I should be good. During the exams you are timed to do a certain amount of essays. It is your responsibility to be wise with time and constructing your essays, so this was very helpful to me.

Reflection 8/26/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we talked about Rhetoric Place. In a rhetoric place this is where your setting has great significance to what’s going on or being said. An example of Rhetoric place is proposing. When you want to propose to your significant other you want to make sure you’re in the right setting with great significance. Another main example of rhetorical place is The Oval Office, in the White House. The Oval Office is mainly used for making big announcements. The office significance is to inform in Rhetorical Situations. I got the lesson pretty well.

Reflection 8/25/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we talked about, crises rhetoric. In crisis rhetoric there’s urgency, crisis as reality, dramatic characters, policy as morality, and  rhetorically generative. We listened to Donald Trump’s speech about immigration crisis. We broke down the different components like, dramatic characters. In dramatic characters there’s “good vs bad” it depends on how you look at it on who’s good and bad. To most Americans the bad were the immigrants and the good were us. I kind of got the lesson I have to do the homework to really break it down.

Reflection 8/24/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we had a pop quiz. We had a pop quiz on yesterday’s topic Rhetorical Situations. I thought I was doing good using process of elimination. But there’s no use for that if you don’t know the information that well, and I got a 58 on the quiz. The lesson for today was arguments. An argument is an opinion backed up by evidence. There are three key components to an argument: logos, pathos, and ethos. I’m sure I got this lesson way better than yesterday’s, but I still have studying to do. My goal is to finally earn higher than a 2 on an essay. I’ve never earned higher than a 2.

Reflection 8/23/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we learned about Rhetorical Situation. I learned a rhetoric means the art of arguing effectively. Rhetorical situation will always be given in the prompt’s introduction. A new word I learned is exigence. Exigence in rhetorical situation, is what motivates the speaker to argue. Speakers/writers that uses rhetoric are called rhetors. 8 themes of rhetorical situations are: exigence, speaker, context, purpose, text, message, audience, and genre. We watched Keysia Lance Bottoms’s speech, Go Home, and broke down the rhetorical situation.

Reflection 8/20/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we had to present. Group 2 and 4 presented. I am in group 2 we presented the poem, “Refugee In America” by Langston Hughs. This poem is about his passion about the thought of freedom, and his hate for the word liberty. His love, hate relationship is because of the way African Americans were treated in the 1920’s. Group 4 they talked about his poem about Dreams. It was many great discussions in class.

Reflection 8/19/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American literature class, my classmates presented their group projects. Group 1 and 3 presented. In the first group they were assigned the poem “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughs. I liked there presentation they had a lot of great connections and amazing art. Mia Lyons had the art part of the project and it was beautiful and well written. Aj, Kayla, and Moses were nice presenters also. I can’t wait to present tomorrow.

Reflection 8/18/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s class we had a group assignment. Every group was assigned a Langston Hughs poem. Each group had 7 parts. My part was the vocabulary, which was pretty simple. We had a short poem titled “Refugee In America”. The words I chose from the poem were: refugee, freedom, heart-strings, and liberty. I defined each word and drew a connection. I enjoyed Mr.Rease’s class today.

Dream 8/17/21

 What is your dream? My dream is to buy a large amount of land. When I get this land I want to put houses on them. Building generational wealth has been a dream of mines since the 5th grade. To achieve this dream I have to put in 100% effort in whatever I plan on doing. Motivation is the main reason a person’s dreams are deferred. If I don’t get discouraged I can achieve my dream.

Reflection 8/16/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we were asked what was the most important moment in Black History. I wrote about the Harlem Renascence, so when I seen a poem by Langston Hughs I got excited because I kind of called the lesson. We broke down his Poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. This Poem was a little easier to break down saying there weren’t as many complex words. I had an pretty simple time in class.

Reflection 8/13/21

In Mr.Rease’s class we had a vocabulary quiz and then a pretest. For the vocabulary quiz I didn’t stress much because I had studied the previous day and the day of. On the test I was doing pretty good until question 18, other than that I was fine. For the pretest, I did okay. I really don’t take pretest serious but I still try so my teachers have and understanding where I’m at. I was never the best when it comes to Language/Literature. I know I didn’t do that well on the pretest, but I know as the class goes on I’ll get better and gain knowledge.

Reflection 8/12/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s 4th period American Literature class we learned about informal and formal texts. In class he gave us a passage with no context, we just read it. After we read it we all realized that there wasn’t really any theme or moral of the story. He then gave us a topic, which half of the class had already figured out midway through the passage. That was interesting to me because I didn’t get it until the prompt, which says a lot about myself. It was pretty fun breaking down the passage with the 2 different prompts. I’m glad I had a little nice time in 4th period today.

Reflection 8/11/21

Today at school I had an okay day. In first period (AP US History) we learned about Spanish conquistadors and what they did in the Americas. In second period (Physics) we learned about speed and velocity. Im not a huge fan of history or science so these are 2 of 3 out of my least favorite. Third period (Pre Calc), my favorite class, we went more in depth about the unit circle and it was pretty cool. I love math it’s like solving puzzles. Finally fourth period, where we learned about comprehending complex passages. I went to work right after school, I work at Popeyes. That job is pretty easy for $12 an hour, actually easier than my second job at Domino’s. Today wasn’t that eventful and it was okay. Looking forward for more fun days.

Reflection 8/10/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we did a diagnostics test. He taught us the process of elimination. In a multiple choice question there are three types of answers. There are 2 completely wrong answers, a somewhat correct answer, and the best answer. To differentiate the wrong ones you have to see what least correlates with the question. The best one is usually stated word for word in the passage and correlates best with the question. The lesson was pretty informative, I just wish some of my classmates weren’t so incompetent.

Myriel’s Introduction

 I’m Myriel French, I like to play basketball, build things from scratch, and shop. My expectations for myself this school year is to put in 100% effort academically. I want to make sure I balance out school and work (Funny because I’m doing this literally after work). I’m ready to learn new things and pass all of my classes with an A.