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Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflection 9/30/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Class, we worked on the first step of the project. We made clusters with five subtopics. Each subtopic had 3 extra topics to them. It was better than yesterday because we had an extra mind. Alisha was a lot of help, I think I can speak for Natalya and I that we couldn’t do the brainstorming by ourselves. 

Reflection 9/29/21

 Today in Mr.Reases American Literature class we were introduced with a project. We have to create an AP English prompt. It's a group research project, but it was only Natalya and I in attendance of our group today, Our topic is Immigration/Border Control. We could kind of come up with the subtopics, it was kind of difficult. After we came up with five, it was harder to branch those five out. I'm guessing we need the other two brains in attendance so we can get somewhere.

Reflection 9/28/21

 Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we went over last night's homework. We were given 5 pictures to analyze. To analyze means to break down. In each picture there was a lot of details to  analyze. One that was my favorite was the man riding in his Tesla. He was in a phone call, reading the newspaper, and in the passenger while in autopilot. On the back of the newspaper there was an piece about "Tesla autopilot crashes". it was ironic how much trust the man put in his self driving vehicle. I did the homework wrong so going over it was really helpful.

Reflection 9/27/21

 Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we were given a prompt. For the prompt we were given several resources. A cartoon, a newspaper article, a speech, and more. We broke down the prompt, there's the introduction, assignment, and the requirements. Mr.Rease taught us that direct quotation should be no more than 2 sentences, we should paraphrase, and summarize.

Reflection 9/22/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we read another Emily Dickinson poem. The poem we read was “I Felt A Funeral In My Brain” where she suggests that she has lost her mind. After we read the poem we had a prompt to write about a time where you lost your mind. I wrote about being in quarantine and how it was very repetitive. Everyday I would do the same thing to where I didn’t know what day it was. We determined 2 themes to the poem and wrote a claim.

Reflection 9/20/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class, I did a bell ringer. In the bell ringer we were asked to define a somebody, a nobody, and who am I. We learned about the poet Emily Dickinson. She was born 1830 and later died 1886 only for her poems to be released after she passed. We read her poem “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?”. Where she explains you’re an outcast for being a nobody, and broadcasted for being a somebody. It gave me more of a perspective mostly about myself. I can make a connection like how I dress for me, but also dress so I don’t get laughed at. I really like the 2 poems we analyzed together so far and can’t wait to do more.

Reflection 9/14/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we analyzed a poem. The poem was called Birches by Robert Frost. The lesson criteria is to find the meaning poem, be able to find figurative language, and determine the theme. We read the poem as a class and broke it down every few stanzas. In the poem they talked about the birch tree reminding them of their childhood. They had wish they didn’t waste their life, and if they could go back they’d do it by swinging on the birch tree. As we analyze more poems in class I get better and finding the meaning.

Reflection 9/13/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we read a poem called “Out Out”. The first thing we did was guess what the poem was going to be about from the title. I thought it was going to be some being in nature, which was somewhat right. The poem was a bout a boy doing a man’s job and it goes wrong. Before we read about the poem we talked about why childhood is important and it is important to be a child when you can. The kid was forced to grow and ended up in a terrible situation. The poem used alliteration and personification, we had to find figurative language in the poem. It was pretty nice and I got the lesson pretty well.