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Showing posts from October, 2021

Reflection 8/29/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we presented our work. The first group was the first half of the chapter. They had an interesting illustration, and some good question. I think I answered all of group 1’s questions. Group 2 had an interesting illustration also. In my group, Kyla was the summarizer and I was the questioner. I think I had pretty good questions, I’m sure everyone was drained by the time my group went up.

Reflection 10/28/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we read chapter six of Wild. On my side of the room we read the second half of chapter six. On the second half Strayed encountered different people and animals. I was I a group of three and each of us had a different assignment. My assignment was to make critical thinking questions. As I read through the chapter o came up with 5 great critical thinking questions. I am ready to present my part of the assignment tomorrow in class.

Chapter 5 One Pager


Reflection 10/25/21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we went over the reading quiz. As I was doing the homework last night, It was pretty simple. I seen it was 20 questions and thought it was lengthy, but it was pretty easy. As we went over the questions, I was answering them pretty easily. I probably answered one question wrong. Other than that class was chill and simple.

Informational Text

Today we read an informational text called Megatransect. The text is about a couple making a decision about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and using it for scientific research.

Reflection 10-21-21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature Class we did sources for our project. To do the sources I have to base them around the prompt. our prompt is is the USBP effective?. I try to find a political picture my partners hadn't already used. Then I went on Galileo to find some articles to go with the prompt. I have to download a certain page and put it in a MLA format.

Reflection 10-20-21

I didn't come to school today. Last night I stayed up catching up on all of my school work. That includes my critical thinking questions for chapter three. I went to sleep at three in the morning. I woke up again to my alarm at six, and I snoozed it. I didn't wake up again until 9:12 am. I ended up sleeping in and just did all of the google classroom work. I went to work afterwards.

Reflection 10-19-21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we did a Power Point. We learned about gender roles and outdated gender norms. We learned the difference between sex and gender. We then did a true or false quiz based on statistics. It was pretty simple saying society is pretty see through with the obvious divide in gender norms. Someone also used me as an example as gender identity or something like that, I thought it was pretty funny.

Reflection 10-18-21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we did a quiz on "Wild" chapter 2. I think I did pretty good because I read it. The first three questions I skipped because I was thinking too hard. As I continued it got really easy. The only question I knew I got wrong for sure was the one about when did her journey really start, and I said the first date that came to my head. Other than that I was pretty confident.

Reflection 10/15/21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we read the prologue of, Wild. In the prologue she talked about her boot being launched off of a mountain by her bag. Her toe was in a lot of pain, with her toenail almost peeling off. In the book Cheryl hiked the Pacific Crest Trail to find herself. She talked about her mother's passing and her father leaving. From the prologue, I think i'm going to like the book.

Reflection 10/14/21

Today In Mr.Rease's American Literature class, my class took part two of the benchmark. I was really exhausted so I took a nap. In the middle of my nap, my body decided it was okay to let one rip... without my permission. I was sleep when it first started but at the end of it, I woke up. I heard the class go crazy and laughing. Everyone quickly noticed it was me because it was very quiet. I pretended to be sleep to save myself some embarrassment; it was still embarrassing, I was also trying not to laugh, because my classmates were saying some funny things. I just couldn't wait til it blew over, but they didn't forget to remind me when I woke up.

Reflection 10/13/21

 Today, I took the PSAT. Even though I had my struggles, it wasn't that bad. The first part was the reading portion, and I think I did better than usual. My main problem with the reading portion is that I read too slow, and I don't focus when I read. The questions were really easy when I use the process of elimination method. I usually am pretty sure when it comes to the language section, but I had to do a lot of second guessing. Math is my strong suite; the no calculator and calculator section was pretty easy. I moved pretty slow on the math section, it seemed like time flew by. I hope I did better than last time.

Reflection 10/12/21

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class, he showed us how to get sources for our project. For the project, each member needs to have 10 sources. To look for article sources, go on Galileo from the school website, all databases, and then EBSCO. Start your search by narrowing down; go to the the date and select, "2011 to 2021". After narrow the topic down, look for some articles by searching the topic up based on the prompt. If I  like an article I save it as a PDF in the MLA format.

Write Something You Are Certain About

 I am certain I am going to College. I'm not sure what college I want to go to. I am not sure what I want to major in. I know that I want to stay in state, and I want to do something I love. No matter what though, I AM going to college. I need something I can sit on and be sure of when I get older, so I always have a money source.

Write A Thank You Letter

 I want to thank my mom and dad. They support everything I do and believe in. They never doubt me and always encourage me. All while doing that, they keep it real with me. I want to also thank my friends. They are always there when I'm down and lift me up. I tell them things I don't feel too comfortable telling my parents and they always give me great advice. I want to thank my wonderful sister, she is such a great influence and I look up to her. Thank you; family and friends.

Write About What You'd Planned To Do

My last birthday, I had planned to go to New Orleans. I was so excited when my mom brought the idea to me. She was all for my friends and I going. We were going to take a fifteen passenger van to go. We planned on going to different tourists sights and eat. We most likely were going to stay at one of my family member's house to save money. I was so excited to go but plans changed. My family and friends end up throwing me a surprise party instead.

Write About Having No Fun At All

I went into quarantine for two weeks straight. Everyday for two weeks I did the same thing. I ate soup, drunk tea, took medicine, and slept. It was very nerve-racking to be in my room all day. Every once in a while, I would go outside to catch a breath of fresh air, but even that got tiring. I had no fun at all being sick with COVID-19. I never realized how much a person needs human contact until then.

Write About What You Use To Know How To Do

I use to have great penmanship. In elementary school I use to always get compliments about my handwriting, get awards even. Now I'm in high school, everyone says I have such terrible handwriting. People would immediately give me my notes ,they'd borrow from me, back. I've even heard someone describe my handwriting as "chicken scratch". I thought I had very nice hand writing, but I just have nice handwriting for a first grader.

Write About Someone You Forgot

Someone I forgot is this girl name Linda. One day after school I went to tutorial. When I entered the class some girl waved at me eagerly, but I didn't know who she was. I was walking around asking who she was but nobody knew. It was until my friend, Miracle, told Linda I had forgotten who she was. She proceeded to get upset and explained to me we stood at a bus stop everyday together. Honestly I still don't know who that young lady is, sorry to her.

Reflection 10/5/21

 Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we learned about the three different kind of hikes. The hike we mainly learned about is a thru-hike. In a book we're going to read, Wild by Cheryl Strayed where she goes on a thru-hike. On a thru-hike I listed: Hiking boots,first aid kit, matches, compass, tent, paracord, trail mix, needles, and a water filter. I think I would go on a thru-hike one day.

Reflection 10/4/21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we worked on the draft of the prompt. It was only Natalya and I today again. But we be got somewhere with what we had. We’re gaining a better understanding with the project.