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Showing posts from March, 2022

Reflection 3/31/22

Today we took a practice Essay. I was excited all day for this essay because I knew I was going to do good. We were told we were going to have 40 minutes to do the essay. As soon as I started I read the prompt and wrote down the fors and against. I was glad we had a pretty easy prompt, although I was against the prompt I made sure I went for what I had more points for. I was able to finish my whole essay in time for the first time in a while. I'm glad I was well prepared for my essay.

Reflection 3/30/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature we went over another prompt to prepare for Exams. This prompt talked about exploring the unknown. We had to choose between if it's worth it to explore the unknown or not. I said that is worth it because it gives one purpose. Everyday We get a new prompt and I feel progress. I think I will do great on the essay tomorrow.

Reflection 3/29/22

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we did AP prompt speed dating to get better at choosing sides and introductions.

Reflection 3/28/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature we had a AP prompt. The prompt was about if comedians should be off limits to jokes. We referred to the situation that occurred last night at the Oscars, where Will Smith got up and slapped Chris Rock in the face and cursed him out because of the joke he made about Jada Pinkett Smith's shaved head. We were given 5 articles where they all said Will Smith had no right to assault Chris Rock. I don't he should have checked him with violence, he could've kept it at words being exchanged. It was the wrong place and time for him to do that for the simple fact this is a white award show where you possibly may receive an award. Will Smith slapping him was completely wrong timing. Chris Rock shouldn't have joked on Jada because they've already been going through enough this past year in the media.

Reflection 3/25/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we took a quiz. I thought I did really good but checked and got a 60. At first I was like “you win some you lose some” but then I thought there was an error in a test and another chance to get extra credit and it was neither. So I was just really frustrated and cried that class. Once I get a hang on things in class I take 2 more steps back it feels like. I was just reflecting on how I paid $53 for American Literature AP Exam and got even more upset. I’m going to have my stuff together by the time exams come around.

Reflection 3/24/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we made out own popular opinions. My unpopular opinion was, “Whooping isn’t an effective discipline”. A lot of people were neutral about the opinion, and so was I. I feel like a whooping may be needed when a child has done something that they know is really wrong. Other people had good unpopular opinions like “Money can buy you happiness”. That one I agree 80 percent, the other 20 percent feels it’s not true. There were fun discussions.

Reflection 3/23/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature Class we wrote about unpopular opinions.


Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we went over a writing prompt. We were first ask to define race, ethnicity, and nationality. Doing this help us understand the prompt more. The prompt asked if it is more important to be and individual or to be national. We all made points to see which side would have more evidence to back up our claim. I had a hard time a little understanding this prompt.

Reflection 3/21/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we read chapter 5 of Thank You For Arguing individually. We were asked to summarize it, give three facts about the chapter, and how we would use it in the real world. This chapter defined the meaning of decorum and gave examples. It explains the importance of decorum and why one should have it. One important fact I took from it is that it doesn’t work for every crowd or person.

Reflection 3/18/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we learned the difference between deduction and induction. Deduction are known statements/facts that can be true or false. Inductions are general statements that are uncertain conclusions. Deductions have to be valid or invalided, while inductions are plausible, possible, reasonable, credible, but not always certain. We had 20 statements to do and determine if they were deductions or inductions, it’s pretty easy but a few tripped me up.

Reflection 3/17/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we went over hasty generalizations. A hasty generalization is an assumption made on one group based on an inadequate sample. An example of a hasty generalization is that football players are academically challenged. Hasty generalizations are not good when arguing. A slippery slope isn’t good when arguing as well. Slippery slope is making a conclusion from something but not having enough evidence. We learned what not to use during arguing.

Reflection 3/16/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature Class we worked on more Rhetoric. I had to catch up on notes the took out of this thick rhetoric book called, “Thank You for Arguing”. Today we went over different tenses and what they’re for. Past tense is blame, present tense is values, and future tense is choices. This was cool to think about seeing how true this is and never realized that I’ve don’t all of this is in many arguments before.

3/15/22 Reflection

Today I didn’t attend school because I have food poisoning. Yesterday I ate year old parmesan cheese on my pizza. It was good at the moment but not later that night at work when I threw up. They had to kick me out of the store as soon as possible because it’s protocol. This morning I felt so bad and was still throwing up. I can’t wait to stop feeling like this.

3/14/22 Reflection

Today I didn’t come to school today. I was in Stockbridge helping my friends’ mom move. She needed all the help she could get so I asked my mom if I could help. After about 3 hours of unpacking, we sat down and had something to eat.

Reflection 3/7/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s class we continued our debates. Me and Sypho had our discussion. Mr.Rease was surprised two people finally had two different point of views. Sypho and I qualified each other’s positions but didn’t fully disagreed. With our prompt, “Do curfews keep teen out of trouble?” I said that curfews do not keep teens out of trouble. Other people went up and had great discussions. Today I have a Beta club meeting because next week is our induction ceremony, and this is my first time having a speaking part.

Reflection 3/4/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we debated. We were all given a topic and it matched with someone else’s. After writing positions, we were asked to come up and read them. My prompt was, “Do curfews keep teens out of trouble”. I said no, curfews don’t keep teens out of trouble. My assignment partner said that curfews does keep teens out of trouble. We didn’t have time to present.

Exit Slip 3/3/22

Today in Mr.Rease class we went over our Rhetorical Analysis. A few weeks ago we did a rhetorical Analysis on Barack Obama. With my Rhetorical Analysis I need to work on: Time Explaining Format Reading Speed Planning 

Reflection 3/2/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class I retook my Fences quiz. It was pretty easy, I’m not sure how I got 3 of the 10 multiple choice questions wrong. They were working on The Yellow Wallpaper questions and I was kind of listening. I was pretty confused on what they were pulling out these questions because I didn’t get any of that from it. Maybe because I kept falling asleep.

Reflection 3/1/22

Today is my 17th birthday, and I got plenty birthday wishes. I get emotional sometimes thinking about all this time I spent on this earth and stuff I’ve been through. Sometimes I wish I just had everything planned out, but I’m only 17. Today in Mr.Rease class we read a story called The Yellow Wallpaper. It was pretty boring so was the film adaption.