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Showing posts from January, 2022

Reflection 1/31/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we were assigned independent work. Mr.Rease said he was a little under the weather, I believe it was because his favorite football team lost in the playoffs. I can understand that fully, for the past years the Saints always lose in the playoffs and closely too. One time the Saints were cheated by the Vikings and my mom let my siblings and I stay home from school to cool off. I didn't get any work done today because I was conversing with my peers.

Reflection 1/28/22

 Today in class we analyzed the song, Closed on Sunday by Kanye West. We did a rhetorical analysis.

Reflection 1/27/22

Today in Mr.Rease American Literature class, we didn't have instructional time. We didn't have instruction because of the Junior meeting. I wasn't really attentive in the meeting because we already had this same discussion last semester, I mean verbatim. I also don't really pay attention in these meetings because they're really talking to the underachievers. I usually am an overachiever, so I feel these conversations do not apply to me.

Reflection 1/26/23

 This is what we did in class today.

Reflection 1/25/21

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class we went over an old prompt. We were told to analyze the rhetorical strategies. As in rhetorical strategies they mean devices and appeals. It was a letter from Abagail Adams to John Quincy Adams with many emotional appeals and credible appeals. Class was pretty tiring today.

Reflection 1/24/22

Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature class he wasn’t here. I conversed with friends in class. I love talking and laughing with my friends, we either have long meaningful conversations or we just talk about silly things. Today we had a nice mixture of both. We can all be logical and also have dumb moments. But I love my friends.

Reflection 1/21/22

I didn't attend class today. I was checked out early because of the shooting threat. My brother in law picked my niece and I up from school in third period. I feel we should have been on lock-down because of the threat as protocol.

Reflection 1/20/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we wrote a speech to encourage our peers not to do drugs. We first had a bell ringer to answer and had to fill in the blanks. The fill in the blanks were based on the song we read by Tupac in class yesterday. Today in my two paragraph speech I used five rhetorical devices. The five rhetorical devices I used were: distincto, procatalepsis, hyperbole, rhetorical question, and antithesis. I think I did really good on my speech and will get an A.

Reflection 1/19/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we went over a Tupac song. The song is called "Resist the Temptation". We defined temptation which means; the urge to do something you're not suppose to. In the song he talks about resisting the temptation of doing drugs or anything pushing you to do bad things. There were many rhetorical devices in the song to get his point across. We listened to the song in class, I like the song a lot and it gives out a great message.

Reflection 1/18/22

Today in Mr.Rease American Literature Class we went over more rhetorical devices. First we went over metaphors. Mr.Rease showed us a metaphor "Life is a basketball game". We broke that metaphor down by comparing these two very opposite things. Saying good breaks are like timeouts and bad things you do are fouls. Then we had to make our own metaphors, positive ones and negatives. Then we started on analogies but couldn't get into it because we spent so long on metaphors. I had a good time in class today, I really like this class.

Reflection 1/12/22

Today In Mr.Rease's American Literature class we went over Martin Luther King Jr "I Have A Dream" speech. While reading and listening to the speech we found different rhetorical devices. There were many different rhetorical devices. The first one we pointed out was a hyperbole. Then we identified an allusion that was talking about Abraham Lincoln. After writing like 5 rhetorical devices I feel asleep by accident. It is so interesting to see how much rhetoric is used.

Reflection 1/11/22

Today in Mr.Rease's American Literature class we went over more rhetorical devices. First we went over rhetorical questions. I already knew that one but this is y first tie learning it. A rhetorical question is a question where the answer is implied. We did 5 examples on that Then we learned procatalepsis which is a cousin of hypophora.  Procatalepsis deals specifically  with objections, and it usually does so without even asking the questions. This one was a little bit more hard to understand.

Reflection 1/10/22

 Today in Mr.Rease class went over rhetorical devices. We went over 5 and already knew 2 of them. I knew what a hyperbole was and I knew what an understatement was. I learned three new rhetorical devices. The first new device I learned was litotes. Litotes  Emphasizes its point by using a word opposite to the condition. Then I learned antithesis, a ntithesis makes use of a contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas. And the last one is hypophora, which is where the author asks a question then proceeds to answer it.